Nyi Ma Lay

Monday, February 25, 2013

Your Kiss :*)

I Love The Way You Make Me Laugh , I Love The Way You Make Me Cry Tears Of Joy Stream From My Eyes,  As I Hear Your Voice, A Loving Surprise. I Love You When You're Angry , I Love You When You're Sad. I Love You When You're Glad , When You Tell Me Of The Day You Had , I Love You Truly  I Love You Deeply Ever Since The Day , I Let You Meet Me. I Missed You When You Left , I Miss You Now More Than Ever Without You, My Life Is Strife , I Can't Live With Out U. Be With Me And Start Our Life Together Forever, An Eternal Dance. I Wait For You As The Days Go But  My Love For You Growing Inch By Inch More And More , I Cannot Wait To See You Again But I Wait For You, And Your Warm Kiss . Your Kiss Make Me So Sweet And Warm, I Want Your Kiss Forever For The Rest Of My Life ( Please Kiss Me Baby Can You ? )

If My Lips Claimed Yours, Would You Kiss Me Back? 
If I Laid My Cheek Upon Your Chest, 
Would You Wrap Your Arms Around Me?
If I Told You That I Need You,
Would You Hear My Words?

If I Told You That I Love You, Would You Say You Love Me Too?
If I Asked You , If You Want Me, Would You Whisper
Something Touching, Something Urgent,
Something Hot And Passionate?
Or Would You Answer Me With A kiss?
If My Lips Claimed Yours,
Would You Kiss Me Back?

I Want Your Kisses Forever Baby :*) Your Kisses Are So Warm And Sweet :)

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